About Us

AsianWeek's 30 year archive is now digitized and available on the AsianWeek Database! 

From 1979 to 2009, AsianWeek proudly chronicled the growth and development of Asian Pacific America within American history.

Today, the AsianWeek Database Project brings back three decades of news, education, and entertainment surrounding the Asian American community.

This unique database brings to life the opportunity to reengage with stories from the past. Rediscover the people and events documented in the historical pages of the AsianWeek newspaper and website. Anyone can easily access this trove of information — for research, for reference, or to simply remember these important times in the community.

Nothing else like the AWDB exists.

So go ahead, give the database a try. Let's go back in time. See where it takes you, or what historical details you uncover.

If you would like to become more deeply involved with this public effort, please let us know, and we will be in touch.

